Thanking the Person Who Gave You a Shot
At some point, someone saw something in us or our idea that no one else did. We wouldn’t be who we are without them. They gave us a shot.
At some point, someone saw something in us or our idea that no one else did. We wouldn’t be who we are without them. They gave us a shot.
We spend nearly half our waking hours at work. Thanking your coworkers is letting them know that the job wouldn’t be the same without them.
Unlike virtually every other business or professional strategy, implementing gratitude within your company culture or your career is free.
Do you want to make the word a better place? Start sharing small, meaningful thank yous with the dozens of people you normally don't notice.
Thanking our shoulders to cry on requires us to show a simplicity that matches the helplessness we all experienced in the moment.
Learning to forgive before it's too late is key to a joyful life. Forgiveness is critical for anyone wishing to experience the present.
Filling the delivery person's emotional tanks with gratitude, letting them know we see them and appreciate them, is the right thing to do.
Where would we be without forgiveness? How thankful are we they did not let our mistakes be the end of a friendship, opportunity or more?
Our gratitude gets richer, deeper and more beautifully complex as we learn to use different words to describe how we feel.
Nothing shows gratitude for the cheerleaders in our lives like showing up for them when it is their turn to face the Goliath in their lives.
The moment we allow ourselves to experience gratitude for the fact that people need us is the moment we see the world with new eyes.
We’ve all seen that train wreck of a public thank you that morphs into a grandiose session of humble brag. Don't be that person!
Life has an expiration date and as it draws to a close, no one surrounds themselves with wealth or trophies. They all ask for family.
If you really want to thank the gift givers in your life well, thank them for the things they gave you years ago, not minutes ago.
The world’s need for more gratitude could be easily solved if one simple thing occurred. If people became “blurters” of gratitude.
Thanking these leaders in your life means first identifying them. For some, it will mean swallowing our pride and acknowledging their role.
Thanking the safe people is about honoring them by becoming the safe person for someone else, embracing them the same way you were embraced.
The most grateful people developed a concrete routine for experiencing gratitude and practicing mindfulness.
Being thankful for the artists can’t just happen when they create their opus. It has to be there every step of the way.
If you really want to thank the comedian in a way that fills their soul, thank them for everything, not just their laughter.